Bunk1 is a start-up based in New York that offers a multi-platform app that connects parents with their children while they're away at summer camp.
My Role
I worked alongside the Bunk1 team for almost two years and redesigned their products: improving existing and creating new features.
Since this app connects parents and camps, we have to work on two apps (parent and the camp), and two platforms(mobile and web)
The Designs
Parents App
Bunk1 app can be found on both, android and iOS, and a web app through bunk1.com.
The main goal of the parent app is for the users, the camper’s parents, to be aware of what their children are up to, they can check daily photos on the gallery or updates on the activity feed and send notes or presents to their campers through the app.
Also, it has a facial-recognition service, which alerts parents when their kids have new photos available, and they will have to identify through tags.
Camp App
The admin app is the core of everything. The camp director not just uploads photos during the camp season or adds content to the activity feed but can also receive notification of the campers’ enrollment status, send newsletters, create detailed camp scheduling, and manage purchases made from the parent app.

The Washington Post
As summer camps turn on facial recognition, parents demand More smiles, please
When David Hiller’s two daughters checked into Camp Echo, a bucolic sleep-away camp in Upstate New York, they relinquished their cellphones for seven idyllic weeks away from their digital lives.
But not Hiller: His phone rings ten times a day with notifications from the summer camp’s facial-recognition service, which alerts him whenever one of his girls is photographed enjoying their newfound independence, going water-skiing, or making a new friend. “I love it. I wish I were with them,” he said. “But I at least feel like I know what they’re doing.”
The Team
Work done from 2017 to 2019 at Fullstack Labs. The team consisted of a design manager, a product manager, a front-end, back-end, and react native engineer.